Why Is Your Heating Bill So High?

There are a few factors that can contribute to your heating bill being higher than normal in the winter months.

As it gets colder outside, we want it to be warmer inside our homes. This can cause people to set their thermostats much higher than normal in order to really crank up the heat. Depending on the temperature difference between your home and the outside world, your furnace could be working overtime.

If your home is older, or not properly insulated, you could be losing heat through leaky windows or drafty doors. Since the heat is leaking freely due to poor insulation, you might find that you’ll need to run your heater more often or at a higher temperature to maintain your comfort levels. This will significantly increase your heating bill and you’ll be left wondering why your house doesn’t seem as warm as it should be when the heater is always running.

If your furnace isn’t functioning properly, this could cause your heating bill to sky-rocket. If the system is outdated or you haven’t had it serviced in a while, it could be struggling to keep up.

If you want to lower your heating bill, there are a few things you can do to reduce the amount of energy you are using in your home.

While this may seem counterproductive when you want to stay warm, you likely won’t feel it if you drop the temperature a few degrees. However, those few degrees could save about 5% to 10% on your heating costs.


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